Branch and Leaves Study
Today I decided to draw a nice picture of branches and leaves in pencil. I've been working on a new strategy where I'm trying to make pencil drawings look richer, more like paintings. I don't think they look totally like paintings yet, but definitely have some qualities such as rich layered blends of colors. What I really liked about this image was how the large branch pushes towards you with its lighter colors, and how the green leaves curve and contrast against the tans, browns and blues in the background. When I think of a pencil study of branch and leaves, I think it sounds pretty dull. However, when I saw a nice photograph taken by my daughter, I felt it was rich and artistic in its simplicity so I decided to draw it here. It is rich with its deep brown, blue and violet background, vibrant with its green leaves and yellow ochre hues in the large center branch. Also it is artistic in the way it focuses in on just a segment of a branch (also I ...