Beautiful Trunks
Families should all try to be like this group of Redwoods - strong and connected together throughout the years. I know many families that don't have a strong connection - I see broken relationships or no relationship at all due to one or both parties involved. This is so sad. Again, I am reminded of a previous post where I talked about forgiveness - how hard forgiveness can be. I can only imagine how hard forgiveness must be in broken family relationships like this, yet how IMPORTANT forgiveness is in trying to reconcile these bad relationships. Our pride seems to always get in the way. No one wants to be the one to give up their own feelings of anger and ask the other person for forgiveness. And often if they do ask for forgiveness, they often give up after the first time. Persevere and patience; they are needed here!
I am hoping (praying) for better family relationships this week for those reading this, and hope we can all forget our self-pride and forgive our family member(s) whoever they may be. And don't give up trying - that's the key in my opinion. Happy Tuesday!